Tamagoyaki with Edamame Salad
Preparing a Bento Box? Try this Tamagoyaki (Japanese rolled omelet) with Edamame Salad. Edamame adds fun crunchy texture!

1 Serving
Adjust quantity to your preference
"Edamame Salad" | 4-6 Tbsp |
Eggs | 3 |
Salt | (to taste) |
Canola Oil | 3 Tbsp |
Cooking instruction:
1. Preheat a small frying pan to medium heat. Coat the pan with Canola Oil.
2. In a small bowl, beat Eggs and add Salt to taste.
3. Pour 1/3 beaten Egg mixture into preheated pan & spread evenly into a flat sheet. Quickly spread half portion of Edamame Salad evenly on the Eggs.
4. Fold in right & left edges of cooked Egg sheet towards middle, then roll from top to bottom using Spatula to make rectangular shape.
5. Once the first layer of roll is made, move the roll towards top of the pan, then pour 1/3 of the Egg mixture to make the second layer. Repeat steps 3 & 4.
6. For final layer, pour the last 1/3 of Egg mixture to coat around the roll.
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