FAQFrequently Asked Questions

  • Q-027.

    What language is used for your product names?

    Azuma Foods is a company founded in Japan, and many of our products are Japanese cuisine.


    A part of Japanese cuisine called Washoku (和食) has been recognized globally, and even celebrated as UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2013. The natural beauty of seasonality (from a country that experiences four distinct seasons – spring, summer, autumn, winter) is often reflected in colours and flavours that are artistically subtle. 


    We continue to celebrate this distinguished food culture by using Japanese product names! 

  • Q-026.

    I found incorrect information on your website.

    We try our best to maintain accuracy of information at all times.


    However, please note that the French translation on this website is provided by a direct-translation filter, which may result in interpretation limitations.


    Please alert us for any qusestions or concerns by:

    >>> Contact Us Form on our website

    >>> e-mail at general@azumafoods.ca

    >>> phone at (604)-288-0005

  • Q-024.

    I'm trying to use your online forms, but it doesn't work. What should I do?

    For any IT issues, please contact us for assistance:


    >>> by e-mail at general@azuamfoods.ca

    >>> by phone at (604)-288-0005

  • Q-021.

    Can you send me coupons?

    Unfortunately, we do not provide coupons at this time.