1. Main and back entrance will have a poster that will say: 1) Staff and/or authorized guests with any signs of COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, will not be permitted to enter the facility, 2) Physical distancing is recommended (especially after the person recently recovered from an illness), but is not a requirement, 3) Masks are available and optional to use. 2. Guests must be accompanied to and from the meeting location by an Azuma Foods staff member. 3. A. Employees are required to report to HR department immediately if they and/or someone in their household develop any of COVID-19 related symptoms. Employees will be asked to self-isolate and get the COVID-19 test. Free rapid antigen testing kits are available at pharmacies in BC and Ontario. The company encourages all individuals to get testing kits in case of an emergency (for example, employee falls ill and/or develops Covid-19 symptoms, and needs to stay at home / cannot leave home). Please refer to these sites for any government requirements, updates and/or changes related to free rapid antigen testing kits: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/info/testing https://www.ontario.ca/page/rapid-testing-home-use When tests are required, the employee needs to send a picture of the result to HR department in the morning of the day they are planning on returning (before entering the facility). B. Employees are required to self-isolate if they are being tested positive of COVID19. 1) Employees are only allowed to return to work if they tested negative and if they show no COVID-19 symptoms. C. Employees are required to self-isolate if someone who lives in the same household has tested positive of COVID-19. 1) Employees are only allowed to return to work after the household member has tested negative and if the household member shows no COVID-19 symptoms. If the employee tests positive as well, they will need to self isolate until they, and the household member, have no COVID-19 symptoms and until they test negative. D. The employee is required to take a rapid antigen test if they and/or the household member become the close contact of someone who has tested positive of COVID19. If the employee has tested negative, they are allowed to return to work. If the employee has tested positive, then they will need to self-isolate until they test negative and show no COVID-19 symptoms. 4. Travels must be taken in accordance with current Government Regulations and AFCC Emergency Protocol (see ‘Appendix C’). It is the Staff Member’s responsibility to follow the COVID-19 travel restrictions in Canada and the country they are travelling to. 5. Information on “Travel Advice and Advisories” (if essential) can be found on the Travel Canada website, which provides updates on each country’s information related to: • local safety and security conditions and areas to avoid • entry and exit requirements • local laws and culture • possible health hazards and health restrictions • natural hazards and climate • where to find help while you are travelling abroad Source: https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/advisories
2) CLEANING & HYGIENE 1. High-touch areas and surfaces may be disinfected when needed. Please refer to ‘Appendix A’ for the list of high-touch areas that may need to be disinfected in this building. a) Guide for disinfecting common area (‘Appendix B, which also posted on doors in common areas with tables and seats, such as the meeting rooms): Employees may want to disinfect the following areas after each use: • Lunchroom Table • Lunchroom Chair • Visitor badge at reception • Shared office workstation o *Touched area: stationery, car key, etc. Important note: avoid touching unnecessary areas, always avoid touching your face with unwashed hands, and frequently sanitize touched areas when possible. b) Instruction for disinfecting high touch area with hard-surface sanitizer are available on internal memo. 2. Gloves and disinfectant stations are supplied.
3) PHYSICAL DISTANCING 1. All Staff and/or authorized guests are encouraged to practice physical distancing and to keep two meters (six feet) away from one another to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Recommendations for physical distancing within the facility a) General rules • Keep a distance of 2 metres between one another • Avoid touching others b) ‘Lunch Break’, ‘Short Breaks and ‘Before & after work’ (AFCC/HQ) • Please check internal memo for details. Managers are required to control department staff lunch schedule. 2. Workstations of office staff are not to be in close proximity to each other. 3. Physical distancing is recommended for gatherings and congregating in any common areas such as elevator, lobby, hallways, stairwells, corridors, bathrooms, meeting rooms and areas where deliveries are made. 4. Masks are available and will continue to be required for AFCC members and authorized guests when entering the Production area. However, when not in the Production area, using masks are recommended / optional only for AFCC members and authorized guests. 5. Reception areas are open to the public (drop offs, pickups). 6. Office guests are permitted past reception and into the office. If any guest arrives at the office and is required to proceed to the production area, production lunch room area and/or logistics area, he/she must sign in and out by the HR counter.
4) COMMUNICATIONS (Notices, Posters, Trainings) 1. Vendor and Customer relations are encouraged to be held virtually or by limited physical contact, if necessary. 2. Workers reporting symptoms at work will be directed to Occupational First Aid attendant, and PCA dept. will be informed. a) PCA dept. reviews and follows WorkSafeBC’s OFAA Protocols during the COVID-19 Pandemic 5) RISK MONITORING & UPDATES 1. AFCC COVID-19 Safety Plan will be monitored for risks as situation develops, and will be updated par B.C. Provincial Health Orders. HR/Planning & Corporate Affairs Department manages COVID-19 protocol to ensure worker privacy is protected. Health and Safety committee will be provided with updates on any changes in the AFCC COVID-19 Safety Plan as well as updates on B.C. Provincial Health Orders. Those updates will then be announced in the monthly health and safety meeting. Information sources: B.C. – CDC PHO (Public Health Orders) – Employers & Businesses http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/disesases-conditions/covid-19/employers-businesses B.C.’s Response to COVID-19 https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/info/response B.C. HealthLink https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/ WorkSafeBC – COVID-19 https://www.worksafebc.com/en/covid-19 Vancouver Coastal Health http://www.vch.ca/covid-19
updated: May 2023